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Fredy Joudieh


Fredy Joudieh prides himself on his attention to fashion, trending styles and his ability to service his beloved customers. He attributes his Lebanese heritage for his overall business model, which includes interpersonal relationships with clients, honesty and a love of his trade.

A graduate of the Milano Fashion Institute, Fredy earned a degree in fashion consulting and color coordination. The completion of his studies best prepared him to meet the challenges of sizing and dressing individuals for any type of lifestyle needs from tailored clothing to upscale casual.

Prior to opening his own specialty store, Fredy assisted some of the finer men’s stores in the Bay Area. This experience included among others, fitting, tailoring, personal shopping and consulting for many of the area's local celebrities.

Fredy opened Sarrtori in February 2000. The fine men’s apparel store was named after the Italian word for Tailor, confirming Fredy’s vision that men should always look clean and polished. Sarrtori offers the finest Italian and American designer brands in fashion. Fredy keeps up on global trends, and attends the exclusive men’s trade shows in search of the finest, quality men’s clothing.

Family is everything to Fredy and many of his clients would say that they are welcomed into the Sarrtori Family every time they walk through the store’s doors. Of his many philosophies, Fredy believes that being honest, and putting your heart and soul into everything you do is fundamental to a happy lifestyle. He also believes that establishing personal relationships with clients and providing top-tier customer service that has no boundaries are vital to a successful business.

In Sarrtori’s short history Fredy has been successful in creating his own unique image, while continuing to solidify his place as a major player in the dynamic world of fashion.

Prior to the opening of his own specialty store, Fredy assisted some of the finer men’s stores in the Bay Area. This experience included among others, personal shopping for many of the areas local celebrities.

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